Hello! I am a brand new user who really wants the cat and sould like to donate gold to help unlock the description but I do not know how. I also do not know what it'a capsule looks like. Does anyone have a picture of it?
I can't remember from the last events: will the new capsules be available in the Genome Splicer this first season for purchase or are they exclusive to the random chance of the Cupboard?
the adults are so aweseome, ty Spriters and everyone evolved!
Arda Vostos are my new favs, besides looking gorgeous they look so much like a species in my latest books that I just have to love them XD
The spritework on the owls is WILD, what a wonderful job!! Also, those cats. >:D
Is there any way for me to do the Halloween quest without having done the rest of the quests as I would like to get the badge. I've only done the first quest so far as I wanted to spend a few months breeding my creatures and getting used to the site before doing all the quests. Or is that not how you get the event badge?