I tried to help a bit and started the variations table for the Ombra. But It seems that I am not able to get in a image. I uploaded my own Ombra to start to fill out the variation table with content, but it seems I am to dumb to do it.
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Thank you for your help! And thank you for your reminder of mobile user. I am mainly on my laptop - and there a horizontally table is nice to get a overview of the different variations without too much scrolling.
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Yea np! ^^
I personally prefer the horizontal table when im on pc as well thought I thought I should make things more accessible for other users.
I was hoping to find a way to make the page display one way for pc users and another way for phone users but I cant seem to find anything for that
I changed it to vertical - easy navigation is so much more important on mobile. I will try to pick up some examples for every gene. I haven't yet added any colours. I am not a native speaker, so I am not always sure how to name a certain shade.
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So I finished the Ombra Vesperto Colour Table. I added a jump marks to the different genes - with the vertical layout it takes some time to scroll throw everything. I hope you find that useful. Next I will try for the fishes.
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since this thread hasnt been updated in quite a bit, i thought it'd be worth the mention that the ranbleko page has been put up by milo/moopdog from the discord ^^
Hello, I was planning on adding a Quest Walkthrough page on the wiki. I haven't been able to find anything on-site rules against making a complete walkthrough, but I just wanted to make sure it was alright. Is it, like, frowned upon or anything? I've looked but haven't found anything for or against it.
I'm already part-way through a walkthrough for Quest 5 since that quest seems to give a lot of people trouble. I may go ahead and make the page anyway but I'll give it a few days until then.
I was curious if there was somewhere else were the wiki is discussed, because this thread seams to have gone dead. I ask because I recently found dated information in the fandom wiki, and I'd like to revive this project!