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Gift appreciation thread
QuazarStar: https://finaloutpost.net/view/hxxiF (Pompaca Floro)
Anonymous: 3 more sorted presents
AriQa: 28 gold
Anonymous: 27 gold
Namira: 28 gold
Lasercat: 18 gold
Thunder_bird: Brush
dustpuppy: 14 gold
notacookie_monster: 24 gold
lamel: https://finaloutpost.net/view/GFU3c (Pompaca Floro)
Squeakers: Influence Female
RockerWolfie: Click Multiplier
Ziairi: 11 gold
klsqyjg: 14 gold
hwin42: https://finaloutpost.net/view/qb3po (Vira Beko)
Angelch17: 10 gold
ampratt: 15 gold
Kiwiana: https://finaloutpost.net/view/Buafa (Koleratako)
Pet-Stop-Of-Horrors: Brush
pumpkin_Crystal: 16 gold
BrujaMaya: 23 gold
Prof Sunshine: https://finaloutpost.net/view/4dDMq (Minuskla Casadisto)
Thunder_bird: https://finaloutpost.net/view/XJIky (Senfina Krizo)
Kiriati: 27 gold
VirtusVita: 27 gold
Tala2121: Capsule Sequencer
schenanigans: Influence Female
ampratt: https://finaloutpost.net/view/dTbbu (Senfina Krizo)
belozerov: 12 gold
Xayah: 2 more sorted presents
SyriaSirlay: 3 more sorted presents
aquaticFeline: https://finaloutpost.net/view/u2fGz (Glubleko)
Unqualifiedoctopus: 30 gold
dustpuppy: 30 gold
Thunder_bird: https://finaloutpost.net/view/6hgyK (Etarakido)
25192: 15 gold
Inutsume: https://finaloutpost.net/view/ZmGNs (Klara Alsalto)

Thank you all! :D
Daily Showcase:
[Image: KvQtd3.png][Image: zzH0h3.png][Image: rMyYm3.png][Image: QFTwi3.png]
Now this is an interesting Krizo! Thanks, 25192!

[Image: iR77A3.png]

And from Xayah: [Image: V9qSB3.png]

From Inutsume: [Image: 9cFQD3.png]

From pinkgothic: [Image: gTjbs3.png]

From cabuso: [Image: CWvGR3.png]

From SyriaSirlay: [Image: mkSMk3.png]
We’re playing together / And it’s going well / And maybe we’ll go back / To cryosleep, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame / We’re splicing genes (splicing genes) / Will things ever be the same again?
It’s the final outpost / Da da daaa daaa / Da da da da daaa / The final outpost.

[Image: 0vgPQ3.png] * [Image: 202485.png][Image: 1019930.png] * [Image: 1AzEq3.png] * [Image: CCTml3.png] * [Image: MiqGl3.png] * [Image: FPIOg3.png]
got this really nice hundo from dustpuppy!
[Image: 7zvMF3.png]
 Always remember to smile.
Lab || Den || Scroll || Lair 
Thank you pinkgothic!
[Image: fJmCL3.png]

And from TheWildOne: [Image: pFdgZ3.png]

And from an anonymous player: [Image: UX4gq3.png]

From aquaticFeline: [Image: qdTNY3.png]
We’re playing together / And it’s going well / And maybe we’ll go back / To cryosleep, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame / We’re splicing genes (splicing genes) / Will things ever be the same again?
It’s the final outpost / Da da daaa daaa / Da da da da daaa / The final outpost.

[Image: 0vgPQ3.png] * [Image: 202485.png][Image: 1019930.png] * [Image: 1AzEq3.png] * [Image: CCTml3.png] * [Image: MiqGl3.png] * [Image: FPIOg3.png]
Thank you, InkandFire, for 200g so I could buy my very first Imsanga! Super excited to see what I'll get (fingers crossed for a Llama chicken or isopod!)

[Image: H3poQ1.png]
To quote a great sage... 
           answer unclear, try again later.
[Image: 29SrR3.png]
thanks to the following peeps n beings this gift giving 2023!
Quote:those stuffing my stockings with gold:
Amorphous, Anonymous, dustpuppy (x2), FieryBlood, FollyFaun, God'sPrincess, itzal, lamel, Lucyid, Mondschatten, Primarka (x2), Shizuku (x2), SlinkySpore, Xiyne, Zeyhva.
thanks to you, my coffers are stuffered!

these sweeties came from the following: 
DraconusVenenum - https://finaloutpost.net/view/Q7fuq
EmeraldOx - https://finaloutpost.net/view/CFB11
TheBookSnail - https://finaloutpost.net/view/Wfpuj
WickedHeart - https://finaloutpost.net/view/kB3wv

and last but not least, these sillies sent me these:
Auderfly - Fem Influence
Ethanos (x2)- 3 sorted presents
FieryBlood - Fem Influencer... er... i meant Influence Fem. >>;;
guuvii - Click Multiplier
smolsal - 2 sorted presents
TheBookSnail - a brush
ulcerate - male influence (oh i give up!)
again thank you all for the loverly gifts and thinking of me even if i'm not super active.
i hope you're all having a great season and may yor coming year be full of light and all good things!
[Image: PpOqm3.png]
Thank you in advance for any/all clicks & gifts! ~GeistStorm
Feel free to mine my lab-tabs. Especially the Cuddles Plz tab!
other places to find me: Magistream:GeistStorm | Xanje:geiststorm | Steam:412706121 |
Ooooh nice! Hopefully the users who gifted me presents can see what was in them haha. Thank you so much!

Brush from BrownWolf, VixenDra, rattie, and Cryptic Cryptic
18 gold from BrownWolf 24 gold from anonymous 19 gold from figbutt101 28 gold from Mylk 29 gold from debijayn 11gold from GeistStorm 12 gold from DrShadowCipher 21 gold from wheeloftime13 15 gold from Mahtarwen 26 gold from dracula 16 gold from STRAYBADDOG
3 sorted presents from Devobuster and Zeyhva 2 sorted presents from Jaena and Annatar
Capsule Sequencer from pinkgothic, Evelyan, gaboonViper and Yağmur
Influence Male from Cryptic Cryptic
Influence Female from Zeyhva

[Image: Pqtqo3.png] from lichendreams  |  [Image: jkXwI3.png]  from dracula  |[Image: KaE1l3.png]  from faith_in_nonsense
[Image: 9UjHN3.png]  from piggily  |  [Image: fYI7P3.png]  from KrymsonBlackCat
[Image: 1120381.png] [Image: 1063028.png] ♥ [Image: fnc0h2.png][Image: 1120162.png] [Image: 1024294.png]
ctrl + left click enjoyer, will click through at least 5 pages on the click thread, stretch your wrists pls!
It's time for the first gift appreciation post o this year's solstice! Thank you for your gifts everyone~

HALUCYNATUS - 2 more sorted presents
Saltboghoney - 2 more sorted presents
liv! - 2 more sorted presents
25192 - 17 gold
washinton - 12 gold
Inutsume - Click Multiplier
dustpuppy - 16 gold
lirmy - Brush
CartoonyRaccoony - Monta Selo: https://finaloutpost.net/view/BPQWH
Thunder_bird -  Click Multiplier
VixenDra - 11 gold
villainous - Capsule Sequencer
Mylk - Glubleko: https://finaloutpost.net/view/OYl7M
Prof Sunshine - 27 gold
ChaoticWhispers - 3 more sorted presents
lina - 21 gold
BrownWolf - Brush
25192 - Netimo: https://finaloutpost.net/view/d7ZA6
hwin42 - Stranga Sciuro: https://finaloutpost.net/view/P6864
leafletleaflet - Click Multiplier
Thunder_bird - 13 gold
Citrius - Influence Male
BrownWolf - Pompaca Floro: https://finaloutpost.net/view/rWRDv
Shizuku - 3 more sorted presents
Thunder_bird - 30 gold
Daily Showcase:
[Image: KvQtd3.png][Image: zzH0h3.png][Image: rMyYm3.png][Image: QFTwi3.png]
*   *   *
*    *
*Albinoid*Anonymously*ArielleC(x2)*Avogadro Guakamole*
*CopperCrow*CriminalCows*Crowsong44*Cryptic Cryptic*
*D-LX*Diggie*Disme*Dr. Chartreuse(x2)*Drakin*
*Marsh Nook*meirelle*miaou(x2)*Mipsie*Mondschatten*MrAnkle*
*The Thank Yous of Winter 2024*
* * *
* *
* * *

Again, thank you to all the lovely beings for the lovely gifts. <3!
i tried to pretty it up... (Again. *Sigh*)
welp, alphabetical for the, eh... win... i Guess? and to think, i was trying to be More efficient this year. Oy.
And today is the Last Day of 2024 ~Let's Go Already~ Whoop for hoping 2025 does not suck!!
Happy holidays anyways. ;}
[Image: PpOqm3.png]
Thank you in advance for any/all clicks & gifts! ~GeistStorm
Feel free to mine my lab-tabs. Especially the Cuddles Plz tab!
other places to find me: Magistream:GeistStorm | Xanje:geiststorm | Steam:412706121 |
Hey, I found this thread! Here are my thank-yous to my gifters!

Marsh Nook

I've getting a ton of gold, but 2 creatures so far and 1 item :)

I got a new creature! Thanks liloure!
[Image: 5Nm6o.png]

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