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A Beginner's Guide to TFO
This is a guide to help new scientists on TFO figure out some of the less obvious parts of the game.

Table of Contents
Common Terminology
Creature Pricing

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[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]Scorpion sting, I don't want to bleed[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]
[Image: QCIS93.png]
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[Image: Gothic-Tattoos-Free-Download-PNG.png]
Common Terminology
Splicer: The genome splicer
Generation: abbreviated as G(x) where x is equal to what generation of a pedigree a creature is
Pedigree: a creature's lineage, who it's parents and ancestors are
G1: A first generation creature, the capsule comes from either the cupboard or the splicer
G2+: a creature that was bred using other creatures
 (X)g: X is equal to a gold amount. lower case g after a number is gold, a capital G followed by a number is a generation indicator
Bred: a creature that has offspring, some consider these lower value than unbred creatures, but not everyone
Have: a description of the creature you're offering to trade
Want: what you want in exchange for what you have
Code: creatures with interesting or special codes, collected by some, though they have no practical value they have a collectable value
OBO: Or best offer
Color swap: exchanging creatures of the same species 
Gender trade: swapping a creature of one gender for the other gender
Event: creatures that are limited to either the Halloween or Winter Solstice events. G1 capsules for these creatures are only available in the cupboard and splicer during their event times, and their breeding success rate is drastically lowered outside their event time. 
[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]Scorpion sting, I don't want to bleed[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]
[Image: QCIS93.png]
Tell me that I'm not lost
[Image: Gothic-Tattoos-Free-Download-PNG.png]
Creature Pricing
Creatures are priced according to their splicer price. G1s are splicer priced, G2s are 50% splicer price, G3+ are 25% splicer price. All prices are flexible, sellers may want more or less than standard value. Creatures with more flexible pricing will be noted and elaborated on.
[Image: RkOQy.png] Abomena Pahidermo: 100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: JfRAZ.png] Alta Koltuko100g outside of the season (Solstice) 
[Image: ITFc1.png]Arba Brakumo: 100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: GXTnM.png] Arda Vosto100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: ZnvQn.png] Avka Felo: 50g
[Image: jT5m6.png]Brila Ornamo100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: zsfga.png]Degela Koro100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: dGX1P.png] Dorna Maco: 95g
[Image: WPms5.png] Ebena Kuranto: 55g (Wings and horns worth more)
[Image: SiRl6.png]Etarakido: 55g
[Image: nnFQh.png] Frida Fisisto100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: mFBoh.png] Furioza Vizago100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: l39BT.png] Glacia Alsalto100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: McF8N.png] Gudra Kornaro100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: J9x9D.png] Inkuba Brulajo100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: yk9yZ.png] Kauri Makzelo100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: aiGWP.png] Kosmira Girafo: 425g (G1 rainbow rafos can be worth several thousand gold. These are Body:AAbb, Spots:AAbb, Stripes:AAbb)
[Image: R3xty.png] Lanuga Vizago100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: yqNA4.png] Luna Hundo: 105g
[Image: u8fAt.png] Malbenita Beno100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: Fo1TW.png] Malvolva Kapo100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: EgWmT.png] Membra Cerbo100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: I5fKR.png] Monta Selo: 425g
[Image: mohUx.png] Muska Felo: 100g
[Image: TaFNx.png] Muskbirdo: 110g
[Image: 15yLb.png] Netimo: 395g
[Image: QZnw5.png] Okula Pikilo100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: GEzhj.png] Osta Frakaso100g outside of the season (Solstice)
[Image: n6mfJ.png] Ranbleko: 50g
[Image: JBDVo.png] Rida Frakaso: 50g
[Image: 31TvV.png] Sabla Rego100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: mMuk4.png] Saltanta: 195g
[Image: f7RlN.png] Silenta Spuristo100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: oPpTO.png] Songa Kreinto100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: 5wk8e.png] Stepa Safido: 45g
[Image: tnRVw.png] Strigosto100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: ptQI1.png] Suna Hundo: 110g
[Image: MHigN.png] Tagalo: 55g
[Image: dfLlf.png] Terura Fisisto100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: qK77B.png] Timiga Dancanto100g outside of the season (Halloween)
[Image: 6wsU1.png] Tonbleko: Only acquired through breeding, so their price fluctuates
[Image: ZKtk4.png] Transira Alsalto: Only acquired through breeding, so their price fluctuates
[Image: TlozO.png] Vira Beko: 50g
[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]Scorpion sting, I don't want to bleed[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]
[Image: QCIS93.png]
Tell me that I'm not lost
[Image: Gothic-Tattoos-Free-Download-PNG.png]
What do stats do?: Stats improve your chances at successfully breeding a creature. Hardiness only increases until adulthood, happiness and appearance can be improved after adulthood through clicks and brushes. 
How do I earn gold?: You can click other peoples' creatures, get your creatures clicked, or pick up caps from the cupboard or breeding
What is a "custom" creature?: If you win the end of month raffle on the discord server you can get a claim ticket to receive one of your research goals as a capsule. Rares, hybrids, and event creatures are excluded. 
[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]Scorpion sting, I don't want to bleed[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]
[Image: QCIS93.png]
Tell me that I'm not lost
[Image: Gothic-Tattoos-Free-Download-PNG.png]

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