Saltanta Lunatic
Saltanta Lunatic
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BlueLatios is Offline
Last Visit:
05-29-2022, 10:25 AM
Time Spent Online:
1 Week, 2 Days, 6 Hours
02-15-1999 (26 years old)
02-15-1999 (26 years old)
Lab name:
Always feel free to message me about anything!
If you see my gold offers on your trade and you feel it's not the price you want, feel free to reject! I usually offer gold on "gold offers" and "offers" trades in hopes that people be more specific in the Market. I also offer on the last pages of the Market to remind them they have creatures still sitting there. Thank you for understanding!
If there are any creatures in my lab that you want me to name, send a message! I'm just too lazy to do them lol
I also own LATI (more info in my thread) and have always used it for my lab. If there's an ideal 2G creature that you may like and I have plenty of 1Gs, I can consult LATI to see which pair gives the best outcome. If the chance is more than 10%, I'll send you a capsule if the pair breeds one!
All the Saltanta! <3
If the price is okay, I will consider to buy Saltantas with symmetric pedigree (2G or higher) that I haven't owned a sibling of yet, excluding capsules for a range of 40-60 gold.
For unknown pedigree (1G) Saltantas, excluding capsules, I will consider buying them for the price of 215-250 gold.
Other than buying, I seldom consider 2G or higher Saltanta swaps and trades. But that depends on whether I have any and willing to swap for others.
Usually pair-to-pair swap is preferred.
I also semi-collect 1G creatures that start with Z or z.
Always feel free to message me about anything!
If you see my gold offers on your trade and you feel it's not the price you want, feel free to reject! I usually offer gold on "gold offers" and "offers" trades in hopes that people be more specific in the Market. I also offer on the last pages of the Market to remind them they have creatures still sitting there. Thank you for understanding!
If there are any creatures in my lab that you want me to name, send a message! I'm just too lazy to do them lol
I also own LATI (more info in my thread) and have always used it for my lab. If there's an ideal 2G creature that you may like and I have plenty of 1Gs, I can consult LATI to see which pair gives the best outcome. If the chance is more than 10%, I'll send you a capsule if the pair breeds one!
All the Saltanta! <3
If the price is okay, I will consider to buy Saltantas with symmetric pedigree (2G or higher) that I haven't owned a sibling of yet, excluding capsules for a range of 40-60 gold.
For unknown pedigree (1G) Saltantas, excluding capsules, I will consider buying them for the price of 215-250 gold.
Other than buying, I seldom consider 2G or higher Saltanta swaps and trades. But that depends on whether I have any and willing to swap for others.
Usually pair-to-pair swap is preferred.
I also semi-collect 1G creatures that start with Z or z.
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BlueLatios's Signature:
Saltanta! <3