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New Species Discovered
(11-25-2024, 11:04 AM)lamel Wrote: Butterflys put their cocoons on plants, so that would be possible. maybe the new can be breed with the Cielarkas.

That's what I was thinking. Plus the name is Flirtanta Flamo - Flirting Flame...Fluttering Flame maybe?
How cool would fiery butterflies be? :)

Plus, that hatchling is DEFINITELY a butterfly's chrysalis (fun fact: not a cocoon - those are moths) on a branch. I'm really excited for this one!

Edit: Oh! It's a Moth/Lightning Bug Mashup! That's so cool! Not gonna lie though...the mushroom back is confusing me, haha! :)
some cocoons have little ears!! o.O
[Image: oL2bU3.png][Image: 2881655w4z0seehym.gif][Image: 6yPVd.png] 
Not only scientist, but also author of these (german) scifi books^^
Little ears! My gosh! Oh I just noticed one of my cocoons has those. Little insect horns?
[Image: oXB3e3.png][Image: 9WYid3.png][Image: fW9cl3.png]
yeah, some have, some not and some have one little - well maybe no horn, but something at the backside of the head.
regards, lamel

[Image: 8lDfr3.png][Image: gffDA3.png][Image: xgdtg3.png][Image: vIKL03.png][Image: SJOU03.png][Image: oyXwz3.png][Image: IlGkl3.png][Image: cdANe3.png][Image: ziCRu3.png]
Oh a little bee-mushroom mix! XXDD
[Image: oL2bU3.png][Image: 2881655w4z0seehym.gif][Image: 6yPVd.png] 
Not only scientist, but also author of these (german) scifi books^^
congratulations on twins, corteo! xD
Cort looks to have received twins XD
[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]Scorpion sting, I don't want to bleed[Image: ai-generative-black-rose-flower-free-png.png]
[Image: QCIS93.png]
Tell me that I'm not lost
[Image: Gothic-Tattoos-Free-Download-PNG.png]
i'm not on discord, so please forgive me if this has been discussed there. :3

how do flirtanta flamos reproduce? it sounds like they emerge from the cocoon bearing fertilized eggs and, after drying off and taking "flight", almost immediately perish in the act of releasing those eggs -- but how/when do the eggs get fertilized? or have i misread the description?

edit: after re-reading, i realized the description uses a gender-neutral pronoun to describe the adult ("it"). so does that mean both males and females release eggs? and perhaps they reproduce asexually? 

in any case, they are adorable! i finally have a tfo buggle to love. :D
wait, wait, wait...
in the larva/"baby" stage it says:
Quote:...and only stopped when it could climb no farther. It then plunged its proboscis into the plant before pupating.

so, you're telling me that these poor lil critters are hanging by their NOSE the whole time??
[clutches own allergy ridden nose in horror at the thought]
[Image: PpOqm3.png]
Thank you in advance for any/all clicks!
Feel free to mine my lab-tabs. Especially the Cuddles Plz tab!
other places to find me: Magistream|Steam: 412706121
Ok, yeah. This creature's description is AWESOME.

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