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Solstice Creatures Trades - Printable Version

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Solstice Creatures Trades - wheeloftime13 - 01-19-2021

Here is where you can trade your creatures released during the Solstice event(see the bottom of the post or the pinned thread in the Trading Forum for a list). You do not need to want a Solstice creature in return for the Solstice creature you are trading as trading offers are to be discussed via private message rather than in the thread. Please make sure to follow these rules:

1. Discussing offers for the creature(s) should take place via private message, not in this thread.
2. Post the forum image of the creature(s) you are offering and what you'd like in return using the form below.
3. People who would like to submit an offer for the creature(s) posted in this thread should contact the owner via private message. Please follow the forum rules when having a conversation (Be polite and understand they may not accept your offer).
4. You may request that you not be offered certain variants, but be aware that if you are too particular you may not get an offer.
5. You may request a certain pedigree type, but again, be aware you may be limiting yourself and not get an offer.

*Not required, but appreciated: editing your post with "Traded" or "Trade Cancelled" when no longer available

Trading Form:

Quote:Looking for (Breed) in return for:

[BBCode for creature] [Creature Species] [Creature's Gender]

[BBCode for creature] [Creature Species] [Creature's Gender] (preference of variants you don't wish, if any)

[BBCode for creature] [Creature Species] [Creature's Gender] (preference of same pedigree type)

- Frida Fisisto
- Glacia Alsalto
-  Brila Ornamo
- Lanuga Vizago
- Arba Brakumo
- Degela Koro 
- Brila Ornamo
- Arba Brakumo
- Osta Frakaso
- Alta Koltuko
- Kauri Makzelo
- Malbenita Beno 
- Silenta Spuristo

RE: Solstice Creatures Trades - Chaosdawn - 01-20-2021

Looking for Glacia, same color with either 3 or 9 tails, preferably G1. No preference on crystals. 
My G1 Female, I also have a G1 male with same appearance. 
[Image: 5KGzi.png]

RE: Solstice Creatures Trades - TheWildOne - 03-25-2021

Looking for Glacia Alsaltos:
White male with large crystals and 3 tails (aa AA aa)
White male and female with large crystals and 9 tails (aa AA AA)
Tan male and female with no crystals and 3 tails (AA aa aa)
Tan female with large crystals and 3 tails (AA AA aa)
Tan female with large crystals and 9 tails (AA AA AA)

Will trade anything in this tab.

RE: Solstice Creatures Trades - TheNotVeryEpicness - 03-25-2021

Looking for Frida Fisisto
It must be male don't care about appearance.
Will trade Male and Female Klara or Transira Alsolto, or 1 Monte Selo,

RE: Solstice Creatures Trades - Prof Sunshine - 01-24-2022

Looking for a Glacia Alsalto with these genetics : Body:aa****, Tails:aa, Ice:aa, Fire:aa
Meaning a White / 3 tails / no ice

in return for Gold or creatures from : 

Thank you !

RE: Solstice Creatures Trades - yanderella - 03-05-2022

Looking for G1 Glacia Alsaltos of either gender with 9 Tails (AA genetics) and Large Ice (AA genetics).

Offering gold and/or creatures from my Trade tab in return.

RE: Solstice Creatures Trades - Paradisical - 01-12-2023


RE: Solstice Creatures Trades - ColorMeBrackets - 02-10-2024