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Gift appreciation thread - Printable Version

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RE: Gift appreciation thread - Draco - 12-23-2024

[Finish edited after the event!]
Need to say a big Thank You for all gifters! I've unable to track which gift I need to send a return a few days after the event started. It become chaotic in finding how many gift sent and who is limited an need to wait until next (few) days. Unfortunately I got a duplicate Koro so I need to swap one between them, but anyway thank you for all again! So many beautiful creature! (And all golds will become my research funding in buying creatures too, haha!)

Parhypate x3 > Growth Serum, [Image: ln?s=aS8cg&c=Body:AABb,Tail:AABb,Socks:A...9789610204], 12 gold
Calixita x2 > [Image: ln?s=YxpzG&c=Body:AABb,Legs:AaBb,Pincers...3292573674] , Click Multiplier
sediments x3 > [Image: ln?s=B7Cpx&c=Body:Aabb,Belly:AABB,Markin...4580538483] , 26 gold, Happiness Enhancer
Soza Starrs > 22 gold
karvult x2 >11 gold, 2 more sorted presents
chiralangels > Click Multiplier
Athene Noctua x3 > Juvenile Growth Serum x2, Influence Female
Kiritora x3 > 2 more sorted presents , Click Multiplier, [Image: ln?s=lEDZw&c=Body:aaBb,Scales:Aabb,Fins:...0969256202]
IrinaRoys x2 > Capsule Sequencer, [Image: ln?s=h9f5N&c=Body:AA,Markinga:Aa,Marking...7466341906]
miaou x5 > 26 gold, 21 gold, 2 more sorted presents, 15 gold, 13 gold
ArielleC x2 > 28 gold, Influence Male
Dr. Chartreuse x3 > 27 gold , [Image: ln?s=2xKYN&c=Wings:aaBb,Body:Aabb,Bodyma...1087679642], Juvenile Growth Serum
Disme x3 > 3 more sorted presents, 10 gold, 28 gold
jazz x4 > 13 gold , 12 gold, 3 more sorted presents, Juvenile Growth Serum
SiriusSignal > 3 more sorted presents
BrokenGems x3 > [Image: ln?s=ZMOds&c=Body:AA,Markings:AA,Spots:A...8930824574], 3 more sorted presents, 2 more sorted presents
an anonymous user x2 > Influence Female, 19 gold
Ash Roskar > 21 gold
RaccoonDeer > Enhanced Sequencer
liloure x3 > [Image: ln?s=zasDj&c=Body:Aa,Belly:AA,Wing:AA&g=...2601869516] , Influence Male, 3 more sorted presents
GeistStorm > Influence Female
Gallio x3 > 15 gold , [Image: ln?s=lEDZw&c=Body:AaBb,Scales:Aabb,Fins:...3644701457], Click Multiplier
Avogadro Guakamole x3 > 28 gold, 29 gold, 25 gold
HALUCYNATUS x3 > 26 gold, 15 gold, 13 gold
Chetae > 20 gold
Osean x2 > Growth Serum, Genetic Shuffler
Evanko x2 > 3 more sorted presents , [Image: ln?s=oqQ3G&c=Body:AAbbCc,Markings:aaBbcc...1749805147]
iris > [Image: ln?s=YxpzG&c=Body:aabb,Legs:AABb,Pincers...1263052772]
Foxfire > 14 gold
must_ingel x3 > [Image: ln?s=lEDZw&c=Body:Aabb,Scales:AaBb,Fins:...8641519939], 17 gold, Click Multiplier
turtlecat909 x2 > Enhanced Sequencer, [Image: ln?s=UkBbC&c=Body:AabbCc,Wings:AaBbCc,Ma...9398366919]
leafletleaflet x3 > 2 more sorted presents, Influence Female, 2 more sorted presents
Thunder_bird x2 > Genetic Shuffler, 12 gold
Mekiebi > 18 gold
Parhypate x2 > 10 gold, Influence Male
Lysis > 24 gold
Tuulihaukka x2 > Brush, [Image: ln?s=E1Txo&c=Body:aaBbcc,Tails:aa,Ice:aa...5863210037]
TidbitKit > 10 gold
Shark > Growth Serum
betonovaTvar > 12 gold
nocturna > [Image: ln?s=dqBZH&c=Eyes:aaBb,Body:AABbCc,Marki...3820916414]
antareon x3 > [Image: ln?s=In99W&c=Claws:Aa,Belly:AAbb,Body:aa...7291772362], Influence Female, 28 gold
pinkgothic > 21 gold
Opal Nebula > 21 gold
Zeyhva x3 > Click Multiplier, 3 more sorted presents, 12 gold
rileypillow x2 > 22 gold, 21 gold
Zarionis x2 > [Image: ln?s=xFG8n&c=Body:Aa,Wing:Aa,Markings:Aa...1120251846], 10 gold
Sango > 28 gold
velvettea > 3 more sorted presents
Pallastronomy x2 > Enhanced Sequencer, 2 more sorted presents
ksjsrh x2 > 27 gold, 18 gold
Mockingbird13 > 27 gold
fiveprime > 3 more sorted presents
Vergissmeinnicht > 23 gold
heibangbls x3 > Influence Male, 25 gold, 13 gold
Auderfly >26 gold
TheWhiteDragon > 2 more sorted presents
Estiolia > [Image: ln?s=S8jRV&c=Body:aa,Marking:AaBb,Plates...5655116157]
Ruby Skylark > 27 gold
Bronzewinged > 20 gold
Byinkko > 14 gold
Tala2121 x2 > 20 gold, 14 gold
meirelle > 3 more sorted presents
TaurnSyn > [Image: ln?s=s8JOP&c=Body:aaBB,Shell:AABb,Crysta...6369388954]
sunnelion > [Image: ln?s=s8JOP&c=Body:AABb,Shell:AaBB,Crysta...9575851364]
PepsiBro > 12 gold
derogatory > [Image: ln?s=h9f5N&c=Body:AA,Markinga:Aa,Marking...2834447655]
ferroc > [Image: ln?s=tdoVt&c=Body:AaBb,Belly:aaBb,Markin...2332871013]
Kaamos > 24 gold
Quettoipeux > 13 gold
starrine > 2 more sorted presents
lamel x2 > Happiness Enhancer, 25 gold
fenn > 3 more sorted presents
inghelene x2 > 15 gold, [Image: ln?s=dqBZH&c=Eyes:aaBb,Body:AaBBCC,Marki...4736859636]
gummiphrog > Enhanced Sequencer
lina > Growth Serum
dontoverthinkit > Click Multiplier
Parchok > Happiness Enhancer
Jaena > 29 gold
Brynmala > 2 more sorted presents
Elfinora > 18 gold
Popa16 > Brush
Chicken King > Influence Male
RoseRift > [Image: ln?s=B7Cpx&c=Body:AABb,Belly:AaBB,Markin...2301304706]
l0kiofasgard > 19 gold
AnxiousFoxicity > [Image: ln?s=yuGOZ&c=Body:AaBb,Eyes:aa,Marking:a...1459869667]
Virida > 24 gold
Trickett > 30 gold
BatPopsicle > Growth Serum
coloquinthe > 3 more sorted presents
sunnybubble > 3 more sorted presents
Primarka > 17 gold
Saatkraehe > 3 more sorted presents
theBurnt > Enhanced Sequencer
jellystualy x2 > 14 gold, [Image: ln?s=juvAD&c=Body:aaBbCC,Tails:Aa,Ice:AA...8882182987]
koishibuh > 28 gold
Mahtarwen > 29 gold
myahoo > Genetic Shuffler
Guloguro > Growth Serum
Granitore > [Image: ln?s=HANHy&c=Body:aa,Markinga:Aa,Marking...0150005618]
SlimeRodent > [Image: ln?s=h9f5N&c=Body:AA,Markinga:Aa,Marking...8339365847]

RE: Gift appreciation thread - lamel - 12-23-2024

this is a nice thread! i like to thank too all my Gifters! And i hope, i will manage to send back a gift to everyone! Sometimes it is hard between "limit" and "you have to wait"

RE: Gift appreciation thread - Foxfire - 12-25-2024

I've been getting a few more creatures from gifts, thank you everyone!

RE: Gift appreciation thread - BendyDemon - 12-27-2024

I want to say a big Thank You to everyone who sent me a gift, I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness.

RE: Gift appreciation thread - Foxfire - 12-27-2024

Got one of my favorite creatures so far from the Solstice boxes
[Image: ZMU8I.png]

And this is the best gift ever :'D
[Image: W3zEa.png]

RE: Gift appreciation thread - Saatkraehe - 12-30-2024

Oh wow, holy moly that is amazing. I just started opening the first few gifts just now - wow, I did not expect so much stuff, and even some creatures! This is my first gift giving holiday here, and I appreciate it all so much, thank you <3

RE: Gift appreciation thread - Minyassa - 12-31-2024

Anonymously just sent me my very first Kosmira Girafo! He's gorgeous.     [Image: Z4d3t.png]

RE: Gift appreciation thread - Tala2121 - 01-01-2025

I’ve sent and received so many gifts this year! Too many to shout out the whole bunch, but here’s the gifts that turned into creatures, if the senders are curious abt it :D

Calixita ! -> [Image: 6sPUQ.png]

Disme ! -> [Image: 4dWsn.png]

Dr. Chartreuse ! -> [Image: O4EHS.png] [Image: BBT3t.png]

D-LX ! -> [Image: YbIwS.png] [Image: 1G4v5.png]

Evanko ! -> [Image: yfTjA.png]

iris ! -> [Image: y25UL.png] [Image: KixMl.png]

Jaena ! -> [Image: FDU5x.png] [Image: OoDqK.png]

jellystualy ! -> [Image: xtHEt.png]

lamel ! -> [Image: Gnu4T.png]

lina ! -> [Image: dJwGA.png] [Image: QuW96.png]

maleficent ! -> [Image: 3aXmd.png]

meirelle ! -> [Image: OIfTW.png]

Noodlebowl ! -> [Image: Ug0kQ.png]

Parhypate ! -> [Image: eO7tB.png]

Prof Sunshine ! -> [Image: 8EGdC.png] [Image: c293P.png]

RedPandaRain ! -> [Image: joyRA.png]

Sparklesif ! -> [Image: YCSaX.png]

TheWhiteDragon ! -> [Image: ssCfu.png]

Zeyhva ! -> [Image: 6zIvF.png]

Thank you everyone! I hope you’ve enjoyed my gifts as well :]!

I’m always so curious to know if anybody got lucky from my gifts, feel free to show me if you got a creature :D