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Silverdusk10 is Offline
Last Visit:
01-08-2021, 12:53 AM
Time Spent Online:
1 Hour, 53 Minutes, 24 Seconds
09-16-1999 (25 years old)
09-16-1999 (25 years old)
Hey- I'm new to the site!
I love reptiles, and own 3 of my own IRL (1 bearded dragon, 2 crested geckos). I also like monsters/dragons and mythology. Feel free to send me a message :)
I'm also on the following pet sites; Flightrising, DragonCave (I go by CriptSilver on there), and PokefarmQ
Hey- I'm new to the site!
I love reptiles, and own 3 of my own IRL (1 bearded dragon, 2 crested geckos). I also like monsters/dragons and mythology. Feel free to send me a message :)
I'm also on the following pet sites; Flightrising, DragonCave (I go by CriptSilver on there), and PokefarmQ
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Silverdusk10's Signature:
Icon done by meĀ My PokeFarmQ